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SBBP1 Week 10 Replay

ShowBiz Blueprint Week 10 A Few Words on Voicemails Community Outreach – Corporate Sponsorship Parting Shots on Being a Hero If you’d rather put this onto an MP3 player, you can download the MP3 right here. The call of sweet/sorrow! All the way from finer points of voicemail to the announcement of a pregnancy, we…

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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy The bottom line. We will not share your information with any third parties EVER. What information do we collect? We collect information from you when you register on our site, respond to a survey or fill out a form. When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to…

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SBBP2 Week 7 Homework

Thursday Click here for the PDF of High Performance Academy task list. Friday Today I want you to research opportunities for live networking in your local area. Find the available Le Tip, Rotary, Kiwinas, and Lions, Toastmasters, or Chamber of Commerce groups and ink one into your schedule.  When you are there, practice everything we…

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SBBP2 SEO Exercises

Thursday Spend 10-minutes brainstorming you list of competitive advantages. These are benefits to the client that you possess and can potentially do better than anyone else. These might come fro what you’ve heard clients saying to you directly or seen in letters of recommendation. Friday Set up an Adwords account and use Google Free Keyword…

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SBBP2 Speaking Tips

Performing Tips: Going From Free to Fee By Judy Carter     When I’m talking with comics and speakers, the question I’m asked most frequently is, “How do I get paying gigs?”One reason I moved from stand-up to speaking is that there are more paying speaking gigs that stand-up gigs. There is no such thing…

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SBBP2 Conversational Call Recording

History: Inquiry from our Website 12/13/11 @ 3:39 PM First voice mail to him 4 minutes later. A number of other voicemails exchanged Connected with him on his cell phone 12/14/11 @ 2:25 PM I want to highlight a couple of very important checkpoints to use in your calls The Voicemail Always add some piece…

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SBBP2 Sample Ad for Virtual Assistant

Hey guys, I dug up the ad that I posted to  It got a lot of response.  The main thing I want you to think about when forming an ad is to make sure you are clear and be yourself.  Don’t get lost in the ‘we’ and a bunch of formality.  Let the person…

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