Anita Digs Deeper Into the Call

This is a transcript of an exchange I had with Anita that I really feel belongs in this week’s content.  Please find yourself in this discussion and adjust the wording.

[divider_bar]Let’s Dive In[/divider_bar]

Hey Barry,

I have found a client I want and using my cold call method I am stuck, and I want this client so dont want to mess it up.

They are a Manchester based Entrepreneur Business dealing with people like ourselves and keeping them in the loop of whats hot in Manchester and who’s whos’ from politicians to celebrities. These Entrepreneurs pay a monthly subscription to them and This Manchester company provides all the events.

I am interested in them because they hold 12 events per year in Manchester in the best venues around.

My approach of ..Hi…my name is Anita…I wonder can you help me for a moment…etc

I am calling to see if you would be open to some different ideas on how to get more entrepreneurs (core conflict) to your events…

And he says…Yes I would….how do you think you can help?

what the hell do I say then?
because I want to selll! arrrghhhhhhhhhhh! if I am trying to avoid my sale how can I possibly say I am going to help him….?

I figured thats why im calling at this point…
to say book me for your event and hopefully i will help bring in your clients.

I wont say this as I know its wrong, but even if this was something i said, how would I bring them more clients into thier event nights….as they dont even know me from adam….?

Does this mean I need another core conflict

does any of this make sence? -)



On the flight home from Nashville right now and thinking about your question. Let me first thank you for reminding me to always break down my explanations for the group. I tell myself I do this, however you have reminded me a few times already that I can watch this even closer. I appreciate your honesty around that and will count on you to stay on me.

After sitting with your question for a few days, I find myself wondering if this is a core conflict of his that your solution can solve? I’d say you have clearly identified a core conflict, yes, however, does Anita Ryan, in her current incarnation, have the solutions to solve this problem?

Right now, this is my picture of you, please jump in with more as I’m sure my image of you, based on our few interactions so far, is incomplete. I see you as a amazing singer, with fantastic stage presenece, a good resume of past clients including some corporate, special events, high-profile appearances, some TV exposure(?), a great personal story of growing up in this family of musicians/performers, with a ton of youthful energy and an entrepreneural spirit.

Let’s play with some of your solutions and see where there might be some possible overlap. Again – this is my guessing. I know for sure you could build on this list.

– provide various configurations of high-class musical entertainment for special events

– coordinate other acts to appear at events ranging from club dates, to festivals, to high-end special events

– create custom lyrics to popular melodies to promote a company or message (think inexpensive outsourcing on this if it isn’t your forte!)

– offer really fun ‘karoke 101’ workshops to corporate meetings looking for out-of-the-box teambuilding sessions. (This can double your fee when you offer it for the morning after your show for the group… and they’ll love you from the moment it starts. Been there, done this!)

So there are four that I took a poke at… how do they feel? Can you put on your ‘hero hat’ and come up with a few more? Don’t worry if they aren’t 100% fleshed out – put the vision of what you can do and build it over time. Lose the critic and naysayer – remember what we are doing here – playing bigger!

The core conflict that you have identified and he has admitted to is that he wants more entrepreneurs to subscribe to his service.

Is there overlap between his core conflict that you have identified, and your solutions?

This is really the question that needs to be answered before the call. So let’s spend some time there.

First off – how close to reality is what I have written with regards to your solutions and summarizing his core conflict?

For the sake of continuing the disucssion, I’m going to assume you have found one of your solutions that can solve his core conflict.


So picking up where your question left off – the greatest thing has happened – they have heard your question and you connected with a core conflict – FANTASTIC! That is the best we can hope for at this point in the conversation.

Traditional selling tells us that this is the opening to jump into offering your solutions. We are not doing this! We use this moment to take a breath, and invite the person to be heard.

In your example, I want you to follow this path:

1. He says, “Yes I would. How do you think you can help?”

2. Breathe… and no matter how slowly you went in the first part, slow down another 10%. This is an important step in keeping control and not sounding like you are going to sell him. (In truth, if you consciously plan to slow down 10% you’ll probably be at the original speed – which is fine!)

3. “That’s actually what I’m calling to explore – if there is a fit for me to help you achieve that. I’m very interested in what you are doing for entrepreneurs and artists in the Manchester area. Can you tell me more about what specifically you offer members – and why in the world anyone might not see the value in your service?”

(In this pass you do a number of things. You’ve done Aikido by not jumping to defend yourself from his question (how do you think you can help?). Controlling the conversation. You give him some props for what he’s doing already. Then you show your genuine interest in his core conflict by asking for more background.)

4. He’ll answer you – because he’s probably never heard this approach in his life and it’ll have him engaged.

5. Take notes on what he says (are you recording this call, too?!?!). Feed back what you hear from him and ask him if you can get back in touch with him Tuesday at 3PM (or whatever time works for YOU).

6. Put up on the group what happened during the call and I’ll help you land this plane. It can be done…

What you have done in this call is build trust, so you can have an open conversation to see if there is a fit. You are saving all the part about making a sale until it is a natural part of the conversation. That’s the huge shift.

Go forward with the call, Anita! Get your mindset in such a good place of service and not sale and it absolutely can’t go wrong. It’s impossible.


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