SBBP2 SEO Exercises

Spend 10-minutes brainstorming you list of competitive advantages. These are benefits to the client that you possess and can potentially do better than anyone else. These might come fro what you’ve heard clients saying to you directly or seen in letters of recommendation.

Set up an Adwords account and use Google Free Keyword Tool to brainstorm keywords that your market it currently searching. Review the part of the lesson where Coryon used Google’s Free External Keyword Tool to find out what people are actually typing when they want to find you – those are the words to use!

Spend 10 minutes listing keywords you want to rank for.  These might be local searches “Baltimore Corporate Magician” or some of the items taken from your list of competitive advantages.  These are the keywords we are going to make sure you rank for in google searches.

Brainstorm copy and photos for a landing page for a few of those keywords. We aren’t looking to create perfect copy today – just have fun with this right now. Mind Map out some titles of articles and before you know it you can create a 3 or 5 part series.  “Seven Corporate Party Ideas for a Smashingly Grand Event in Atlanta” is an example of something that uses a keyword from Coryon’s example, and adds value to a local search.

It would be ideal at some point soon to have landing pages for each of the keywords you plan to dominate.

Remember – no perfection right now.  We’ll go into that later.  This is the sandbox day – let your mind go.  Use what you find from the previous day’s work.

Remember, you might want to have your landing page’s content be a video and the transcript for that video could be on the page (this will feed the Google Spiders).

Use to find what’s working for others who are ranking for the keywords you want! Visit those sites and see how they are using the keywords.

Learn what you can from their sites and take notes.  Study the pages to see why they are ranking – is it frequency (how many times they are using it)?  Is it relevency (other words on the page that are relevent to your keyword)?  It is page title, description tag, or something else?

See what you notice about those pages that are getting the #1 spot.  We’ll do a follow up with Coryon in a few weeks to put what you learn into action.

Get a free evaluation from Coryon.  Don’t miss this opportunity – it’s vaulable and will pin point some hot spots that need immediate attention.  This guy and his team eat webpages for lunch so let them point some of that knowledge your way – for free.  You can requets this at

And since that part of the homework will only take a few minutes, I also want you get set up with Google Analytics.  Go and sign up for an account at  There is a video on the home page called Google Analytics Product Tour.  Watch it and then sign up for your account.  If you run your own site, I’ll show you how to add the code on our Open House next week.  If you have a webmaster, send the code to them and have them add it.  This tool is the ultimate truth teller about how visitors are interacting with your site.

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